The introductory levels for each fish are total highlights, where your new abilities are fresh and puzzles gradually become more challenging as you learn to make the most of your latest set of fins. The piranha, for example, can bite and destroy just about anything in his path, while the flying fish can, well, fly. I Am Fish has four playable fish, three of which have unique abilities that must be mastered to solve puzzles.
#I am fish walkthrough piranha cracked
I cried tears of joy when I finally made it past a particularly annoying section where seagulls were trying to kill me while I rolled around in a glass bottle, and I cracked up as I was repeatedly run over by cars. If I added up all the times I shouted something like “Oh, give me a break!” at the screen and gave you the number you’d probably think it was my least favorite game ever, but it’s all by design. As I floundered to direct a rolling fishbowl or flopped my way into a body of water, I never felt like I was completely in control of the aquatic animals, which is equal parts annoying and hysterical. And when you’re constantly under threat from everything, like cars running over you or, oh, I don’t know – coming into contact with air for more than a few seconds, you should expect to die a lot. Like I Am Bread before it, the main obstacle you face in I Am Fish is that your playable characters are just really darn difficult to control, yet precision is almost always required.