The following table lists their name, the motion that is corrected for, and the maximum amplitude of the velocity correction. Various velocity rest frames are used in the literature. As for the convention above, any source velocity must therefore also always be specified relative to a reference frame. The Earth rotates, revolves around the Sun, rotates around the Galaxy, moves within the Local Group, and shows motion against the Cosmic Microwave Background. Using the optical velocity and redshift, however, will introduce a non-linearity between channel widths and labeling, in particular for large velocity values. The radio convention will simply be a velocity relabeling to the frequency axis. Note that the VLA's natural spectral axis is in frequency. This method will appropriately apply the redshift correction to the channel and line widths and the resulting velocities are also relative to the source. Zero velocity is then defined for that redshift and is therefore intrinsic to the object. Where the redshifted rest frequency ν can now be used as the nominal rest frequency for the observations. The relativistic velocity, or true line-of-sight velocity, is related to the observed and rest frequencies by The sky frequency ( ν) at which we must observe a spectral line is derived from the rest frequency of the spectral line ( ν 0), the line-of-sight velocity of the source (V), and the speed of light ( c). Observing Frequency and Velocity Definitions The recommended catalog for VLA and ALMA observing is Splatalogue which contains molecular line data from sources including the Lovas catalog, the JPL/NASA molecular database, the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, as well as radio recombination lines. Spectral line catalogs available online are useful for selecting targeted line rest frequencies. Line Frequencies and Velocity Conventions The detailed capabilities offered for each semester are described in the VLA Observational Status Summary (OSS). fine-tune each baseband frequency independently according to an object's line-of-sight velocity with respect to the earth at the time of the observation (Doppler Setting) each subband frequency can be set to apply this shift or not.Each subband can be configured with its own subband bandwidth, number of frequency channels, and polarization products place up to 32, independently tunable subbands within a baseband, up to 64 in total.access 1GHz or 2GHz chunks in each receiver band (called basebands) and place multiple correlator subbands within them.deliver continuous spectral coverage of up to 8GHz.The WIDAR correlator is extremely flexible and can act as up to 64 independent correlators with different bandwidths, channel numbers, polarization products, and observing frequencies. The VLA's improved sensitivity and wide bandwidths greatly enhance the VLA's functionality for spectral line purposes, enabling simultaneous imaging of multiple spectral lines. All observations with the VLA are inherently spectral observations, including those intended for continuum science. The wide bandwidths of the VLA allow users to observe up to 8GHz of bandwidth at a time. eXtra-Large Proposals Expressions of Interest.