My experience with the mainline series is failing to like DQXI on its story and mechanical levels since they were so boilerplate and it played like a modern NES game but I strangely liked the first because it’s even greater simplicity made more sense given it was an actual Famicom/NES game. 1 So Ive just added all proper homebrew stuff on my 3DS and I need help with the fan made mods that Restores Orchestral music and the Uncensored mods for DQ8. I’m mostly interested in hearing what game improvements the 3DS/iPhone ports have over the PS2 original (if any) and also am just interested in what the opinion of the game is from fans of the series. I could track down an original copy to emulate it via PCSX2, grab it on 3DS for $40, or try the iPhone version for $15.
But I’ve got some choices for how to play it.

So I’m looking at VIII, the only other seemingly big/modern “console quality” release in the mainline series in the last 20 years. Download Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - Nintendo 3DS Roms Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Februby James 3.9/5 - (11 votes) Download Now The story begins when the devil Dhoulmagus broke into Trodain Castle and stole his staff.

I’ve tried three separate times to get into DQXI but just can’t and the last thing I want to do is restart it again. I’m playing DQ Builders 2 on GamePass and having a great time, so much so it’s got me itching for a proper JRPG experience. I have the Dragon Quest 8 CIA installed from there on my 3DS and it has no problems with saving.